壁纸丨电脑壁纸 发布时间:2023-03-09 03:57:36 点击【清晰手机壁纸】右上角找到【…】关注设我为✨星标/置顶 ✨爱你们哟注:文中头像壁纸图片版权归原作者所有,请勿商用,侵权删。evening the next day, there was a violent rumble13, and a big swooshing sound. I turned and looked through my binoculars14. There, in the distance, was a humongous tsunami15 headed my way. Boom! I jumped. I looked up to see the clouds darkening and the lightning illuminating16 the endless sky. "Great," I said, "just like salt can\\\\'t go without pepper, tsunamis17 can\\\\'t go without a storm." I returned my glance to the tsunami, and even though it was still far away, I was terrified of it. I took my paddle and started to move out of the tsunami\\\\'s path. There it was again, the swooshing noise. I turned my glance towards to where the sound came from. There, dead ahead, was a monster wave taller than Harbor Center, and longer than a train, rushing in my direction. I just watched it, terrified of its massive size, its thundering noise, and, its rushing speed. Fortunately for me, the tsunami didn\\\\'t crash until about 400 metres away from me. Unfortunately for me, the wave was so powerful that it created an abundance of smaller tsunamis. I was terrified as a tiny tsunami demolished18 my raft and sent me flying through the air. Splash! I landed in the freezing water, and saw nothing but tsunamis crashing and clashing together. I couldn\\\\'t move, not because I was numb19, but because I was too scared. I couldn\\\\'t even feel my body anymore. "Oh no," I thought, "I\\\\'m getting hypothermia. I\\\\'m going to die." I watched the tsunami thunder in my path, "Oh well," I thought, "at least I\\\\'ll all my problems will go away when I die." Now the tsunami was only a kilometre away, and was coming closer with each passing second. "Good-bye world, good-bye life, good-bye Steve," I said as the tsunami was only a few seconds from tearing me apart."Good-bye life? Try good-bye tsunami!" shouted a voice from above. I looked up. There, in midair, was a chopper to rescue me. "Grab on!" shouted the voice as he threw down a rope ladder. I quickly grabbed hold of it and just barely missed the tsunami. I looked down as I was being pulled up. Boom! The tsunami crashed in the spot where I was before, awaiting my death. But I realized that life was too good to give up, so I cheated death, by a hair."It doesn\\\\'t matter now, but I\\\\'ll tell you someday. The main priority for you is to get better," he said, "Don\\\\'t worry, your parents will be here soon." I smiled and thought in my head, "So many good things happened in my life, and so many of them lost. But this adventure, I shall never forget." I took one last look around me, and then I closed my eyes. 内容来自网络,如侵犯您的权益,请发邮件至wyl860211@qq.com,我们将在第一时间予以删除处理。