壁纸 | 開始期待春日溫柔
发布时间:2023-03-06 23:44:55
Can I be a stumbling block on your single path?我能成为你单身路上的绊脚石吗?
In the future, I will be a gentle beauty, and I will replace Hahaha with a funny one. Thank you for making me happy.以后我要做个温柔的美女,把哈哈哈换成挺搞笑的,谢谢你让我开心。Be a villain starting today, and the first reaction to a setback is always: Haha, things are getting interesting.从今天开始做个反派,遇到挫折第一反应永远都是:哈哈,事情变得有趣了。Sports is a kind of enjoyment, but I don't like sports because I'm not the kind of person who wants to enjoy.运动是一种享受,但我不爱运动,因为我不是那种贪图享受的人。The task of Her Royal Highness is to be happy every day.I have been single for a long time, and when I saw two dumplings sticking together when I cooked dumplings, I had to use a shovel to separate them.单身久了,煮饺子看见两个饺子粘在一起,都要用铲子给它分开。When someone says "Hello mother", you can reply: "Hello son"!当别人说“你好娘”的时候,你可以回:"你好儿子”!I hate long-distance relationships, I like relationships where I can slap the other person's face immediately after a fight.讨厌异地恋,我喜欢一吵架,我的巴掌立马就能扇到对方脸上的恋爱。My love for you is about to be overloaded by the traffic police.When the pressure cooker was half-burned, I turned off the heat. I was afraid that the pressure would be too high and it would not be easy for everyone.高压锅烧到一半,我就把火关了,我怕它压力太大,大家都不容易。