粉丝求壁纸|小米 12T Pro X Daniel Arsham联名款手机内置壁纸

小米与纽约艺术家Daniel Arsham的合作推出一款全球限量2000台的艺术限定版——小米 12T Pro Daniel Arsham Edition。该机重现了这位艺术家标志性的“虚构考古学”氛围,由镶嵌在被侵蚀的绿色铜绿中的青铜水晶组成。

小编每日精选一张壁纸,分享的壁纸一般为全高清分辨率,壁纸来源包括 Telegram、Reddit、Tumblr、Pexels 、Twitter、微博和其他第三方来源等,与世界同步最新最酷的潮流壁纸。
If there’s one thing that you can pick out to be distinct on iOS 16, it’s the number of customization options that you have at the helm when dealing with your iPhone’s lock screen. Among these options is the new Depth Effect feature that makes it look like your wallpaper is interacting with the lock screen clock widget.
When you add wallpaper with distinct elements on iOS 16, your iPhone splits it into several layers of depth. To do this, iOS utilizes the built-in neural engine to detect depth information from your wallpaper so that it can separate subjects you want to appear in focus from other elements of the chosen background.

Note: Below are the preview images of the wallpapers and just for the representation. Use the download link available after this section.
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