
缤纷的彩虹,是大自然的微笑,也是我们爱的象征。在彩虹的尽头,有你有我,有永恒的温柔。English: The colorful rainbow, nature's smile, and a symbol of our love. At the end of the rainbow, there's you, there's me, and there's eternal tenderness.

七彩之桥,连接了天堂与人间,也连接了你我的心。在彩虹下,执手漫步,爱在心间绽放。English: The rainbow bridge connects heaven and earth, as well as our hearts. Under the rainbow, let's walk hand in hand, love blooming in our hearts.

彩虹的色彩,是你眼中的温柔,是我心中的柔情。让我们的爱情如彩虹般绚丽,永不褪色。English: The colors of the rainbow are the tenderness in your eyes and the gentleness in my heart. Let our love be as colorful as the rainbow, never fading.

彩虹像一首优美的歌曲,唱响了爱的旋律。在彩虹下,让我们共舞,享受这甜美的时刻。English: The rainbow is like a beautiful song, singing the melody of love. Under the rainbow, let's dance together, enjoying this sweet moment.

彩虹的美丽在于多彩的色彩,而我们的爱情之美则在于绵长的岁月。让我们永远相守,共度彩虹般的人生。English: The beauty of the rainbow lies in its colorful hues, while the beauty of our love lies in the passage of time. Let's stay together forever, sharing a life as colorful as the rainbow.

彩虹是大自然的魔法,是幸福的象征。在彩虹下,让我们共同编织美好,永远快乐相伴。English: The rainbow is nature's magic, a symbol of happiness. Under the rainbow, let's weave beauty together, forever happily together.

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