表情包|| 不想面对!!!
发布时间:2024-05-26 16:34:37
I have met many mavericks in my life until they all become the silent majority.我这一生遇见很多特立独行的人,直到他们都变成沉默的大多数。Sometimes reason tells us to do some sober and right things, but emotions go the opposite way.有时候理智叫我们做一些清醒正确的事,可感情偏偏逆道而行。Hold the air when you miss me, after all, the lovely me is everywhere.You want to be full of chengfu to beat me, and I also want to have no chengfu to beat you.你偏要满腹城府胜我一筹,我也偏要心无城府将你一局。Love is useless, too much love is useless, love is also useful.Sometimes reason tells us to do some sober and right things, but emotions go the opposite way.有时候理智叫我们做一些清醒正确的事,可感情偏偏逆道而行。