
发布时间:2022-06-20 17:17:40

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画师:Nutdream (xhs)

No matter love, kinship, or friendship, meet not easy, live together not easy, cherish those warm, trust, rely on, and cherish. 无论爱情,亲情,还是友情,遇见不易,相守不易,珍惜那些温暖,信任,依赖,且行且珍惜。

To come together is fate, treasure all the way to the Pingkankan, do not ask the Sea Gushilan is too far away, grasp today is the key! 走到一起是缘分、珍惜一路走来的平平坎坎、不求海沽石烂太遥远、把握当今是关键!

We can not forget a person, often not because the other party how memorable, but because we have how attached and persistent. When you persist, even time must surrender to you.


Young like, so pure, clean, flawless, we can like the people we like; after growing up like, so deep, serious, serious, we finally become not dare to speak like. 年少时的喜欢,那么纯洁,干净,无暇,我们可以喜欢我们喜欢的人;长大后的喜欢,那么深沉,严肃,认真,我们终于变得不敢轻言喜欢。

Love needs to cherish by heart, not because of being loved, forget to respond, to pay. You have to understand that the people who love you will not accompany you for long, after all, life is short, even if you can stay together, but only a few decades. 爱情需要用心去珍惜,不能因为被爱,就忘记了要回应、要付出。你要明白,爱你的人不会陪你太久,毕竟人生苦短,就算能长相厮守,也不过区区数十载。

If you are hurt, will be sad, will not be able to heal for a period of time, will not believe in true love, will be afraid of love. But, on the road of life, you will meet the one who really belongs to you and take away all your pain.


 Two people get along, not only need tolerance and understanding, not only need to pay and harvest, but also need to cherish each other. Cherish the present person, is the most important thing, because once missed, is a lifetime of regret.


No matter when, where, what kind of mood, regardless of family friendship or love. Meet, get along well, don't make noise, walk away. Contact, cherish, do not deceive the upper and lower, indifferent perfunctory. 不管亲情友情还是爱情。相遇了,就好好相处,别吵吵闹闹,陌路走远。交往了,就好好珍惜,别欺上瞒下,冷漠敷衍。

画师:Nutdream (xhs)

Fate let you know each other love get together, come together really not easy, hope happy thinking of bright good, read his dont mind, hand in hand for life! 缘份让你们相识相知相爱相聚,走到一起真的不容易,望欢欢想着明的好,念着他的不介意,携手一生!


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