粉黛女头 | 招桃花头像

发布时间:2024-05-24 19:35:11

1.You can't make someone else's choices for them, but you can provide them with information and tools to make the best choices for themselves.你不能为别人做选择,但你可以为他们提供信息和工具,让他们为自己做出最好的选择


The way to grow up is to know how to shut up and work hard, to know how to be humble, to learn to be strong, and to strive to be the person you want to be.


Don't envy anyone's life. Those who live a beautiful life also swallow a belly of sorrow and grievance in the middle of the night, and dry their tears in the morning to continue to live.


No matter how well you do, you will also be criticized. Don't care too much about others' opinions, and let yourself live in fear of hands and feet.


Even if you have an invincible heart, you will often be defeated by a simple consolation.


Life is not so much poetry and distance, but more frustrations and helplessness. Don't complain while doing nothing. Peace of mind is the best state of life.


