手机壁纸 | 把烦恼一jio踢开

I want to become a young adult with a good mindset.
You should laugh brightly and not hurt spring or autumn.
Please see through my optimism and embrace everything about me.

Remember not to look left and right when happiness comes.
The meaning of interlocking lies in illuminating each other.

You're good. You don't have to change your original self because of him.
Don't let the secular world drown out the romance and passion of life.

少年不惧岁月长 彼方尚有荣光在
Youth is not afraid of time, and there is still glory in the other side.
自由自在的生活 时间会为你证明一切
Free living time will prove everything for you.

喜欢的东西依旧喜欢 但可以不拥有
I still like things I like, but I can choose not to have them.
偶尔想不开的时候 应该就是快乐在加载
Occasionally, when I can't think of it, it should be happiness loading.
To live in one's own love is to be alive.、

是风 是落日 是单项选择 是我心里的海啸
Is it the wind or the sunset. It's a single choice, it's a tsunami in my heart.
日落太短了 我只想奔赴属于我的远方
The sunset is too short, I just want to rush to the distant place that belongs to me.