头像|哇靠 是你喜欢的头像
发布时间:2024-05-19 17:23:23
I am the little prince, you call me father, you are the little prince.After plastic surgery, I found that the corners of my mouth were upturned, so I said to the doctor, "You made me smile."整容后,我发现自己嘴角上翘,于是,我和医生说:“你把爷给整笑了。”Even if you fail, you still thrive, and you have to love yourself.Don't ask others for opinions on what you like. You are responsible for this in life.自己喜欢的东西,就不要再征询他人意见了,人生这点责任,自己负。I want to abandon the stars and go, only the moon is my light.I will pay for every heartbeat generously. Next time, I will be enthusiastic, sincere and brave. I hope I can have better luck next time.大大方方为每次的心动买单,下次我还会热烈真诚勇敢,希望下次可以运气好一点。Every day I don't need to get up early, I wake up extra early.Young people should go out for a walk while they are young, so that they can know the way when they deliver food in the future.年轻人就要趁着年轻多出去走走,这样以后送外卖才能认识路。